Thursday, April 11, 2013

RS 11 Interview Project

Grandpa: 76
Mom: 49 
Me: 19

The government should regulate the economy?
Grandpa: Disagree 
Mom: Agree
Me: Disagree

Politics has a major influence on the economy?
Grandpa: Agree
Mom: Agree
Me: Agree

Everyone should take an economics class in high school?
Grandpa: Agree
Mom: Strongly Agree
Me: Strongly Agree

The drinking age should be lowered to 18?
Grandpa: Strongly Disagree
Mom: Strongly Disagree
Me: Agree

The government bailouts worked?
Grandpa: Strongly Disagree
Mom: Strongly Disagree
Me: Disagree

The United States should have a higher minimum wage?
Grandpa: Disagree
Mom: Strongly Disagree
Me: Disagree

In 6 months the economy will be better than today?
Grandpa: Disagree
Mom: Strongly Disagree
Me: Neutral 

I am well informed about economic news?
Grandpa: Strongly Agree
Mom: Strongly Disagree
Me: Neutral 

The recession personally affected me?
Grandpa: Disagree
Mom: Agree
Me: Agree

In your lifetime, what city that you are familiar with has changed the most (both positive and negative)?
Grandpa: New York City has changed in a negative way because of the population growth and congestion. It has changed in a positive way because of its diversity.
Mom: New york, positive more buildings for employment, negitive over crowded

In your opinion, what president had the biggest positive impact on the economy? Why? 
Grandpa: President Ronald Regan because he reduced the size of government and budgeted spending without a deficit
Mom: Obama he positively crushed it
Me: Bush. president majority and War on Iraq

What is your first memory of a major economic event impacting your life? 
Grandpa: The FHA cost of buying my first home in 1960 was lowered?
Mom: When the market crashed
Me: Recession 

What tradeoffs in your life have you made due to economics (note to interviewer/student: this question is about the concept of scarcity)? During WWII many items including gas and food were rationed?
Grandpa: During WWII many items including gas and food were rationed
Mom: made drastic cut backs
Me: Eating cheap meals in school and saving money for beer 

How do you get economic news? How has this changed over your life?
GrandpaI get economic news from watching Fox News on TV. Over my lifetime this has changed because TV news is now 24/7,  whereas  I used to get it mostly from the Newspaper.
Mom: from tv it keeps me updated in what direction the country is going
Me: TV, going to class, and news paper

How do you deal will rising prices e.g. substitute cheaper brand, stop buying? Any examples?
Grandpa: I frequent the larger chain stores more often and watch for product sales and coupons.
Mom: buy cheaper and buy less or do with out
Me: In college cheaper is better 

What product or service has most changed over your lifetime?
Grandpa: The price of gas.
Mom: Gas
Me: Gas  

How do you handle saving and how has this changed?
Grandpa:I have saved for many years in an IRA prior to my retirement. I have an investment portfolio which is diversified. As I get older my portfolio is adjusted to reduce equities (stocks) and increase debt instruments (bonds).
Mom: Saving has been much harder is the getting by strategy
Me:Save as much as possible, but college is expensive 

What was your wage at your first job?
Grandpa: My wage was about $300.00 per week in my first engineering job in 1960.
Me: About $10.00 working for my dads furniture company
Mom: Wage of first job was $3.35

How much does the stock market affect your life?
Grandpa: It does not affect my life very much because my portfolio contains diversified index mutual funds allocated
Me: Does not affect me as much any more because I cashed out my portfolio for college

 What age were you when you got your first credit card?
Mom: First credit card at age 23 

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